Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Hello? Is anyone out there?  Who does this kind of stuff?  Does anyone actually read other people's blogs? Or are we all just hunched over our keyboards, typing feverishly in the hopes that someone, anyone will see it and read all about our dreary little lives. I'm supposed to start a blog. They tell me it's good for a writer to start a blog. I'm not sure what's behind their reasoning. I'm not sure what I'm even supposed to write.
I could write about my daily life. I could write,

Dear Bloggy,

Today I worked a long shift doing manicures and pedicures. I only brought a muffin for lunch, and I got hit in the face by someone's toenail.
Also, my cat threw up on my sweater.

Hmm.... I think I'll pass on the daily life stuff for the most part.
This, dear non-existent readers, will be a tribute to the most bizarre, the most trivial, the most odd-ball thoughts my brain decides to come up with. This will save me from expressing them in public, as this usually only gets strange looks and mutters from the average person. Well, average person, stop reading right now! You won't like it! You'll shake your head and mutter. You'll wonder what's wrong with me, or "where I come up with this stuff".

I would say my blog is off to a swell start. I've got one post down, a nice title, and a kick-ass pen name.
Until next post, I bid you fair-well, dear reader(s)


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